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Cycling Routes Makarska Riviera

Updated: May 17, 2023

The Makarska Riviera was the first stage of the international cycling race around Croatia - Tour of Croatia, held from 22nd to 26th April 2015 on a 900 km route stretching along the Adriatic coast and in the interior of the country. The race passed through eight districts, nine cities, two national parks, and three nature parks, sending images of the most beautiful Croatian landscapes throughout the world. This top-quality sports tourism event gathered 20 international professional cycling teams with 160 competitors.

It is possible to take a bike ride on the territory of the Makarska Riviera during the entire year due to extraordinarily favorable weather conditions. The coastal area of the Makarska Riviera is around 60 km long and 3 km wide, just at the foothills of the Biokovo mountain. During the warmer times of the year, we recommend that you finish the ride by 10 o’clock in order to spend the warmest part of the day on one of our numerous beaches or enjoy refreshments in a beach bar. A particularly beautiful time for a bicycle ride in Makarska Riviera is the autumn and the spring.

Cycling route „Tučepi – Podgora tour“

The route begins from the promenade in the harbor, along the sea, all the way to the end of the town. After exiting from the Dračevac beach, the trail climbs up to the state road towards Dubrovnik and continues 350 m to the area of Garmi, where it again joins the coastal walking area in Plišivac and then Podgora. The route follows the promenade through Podgora until it reaches Čaklja Bay, and then turns left, crosses the main road to the village Vruja- Miličići, Jakići, Križanići. The steep gravel trail, with steps between the houses, continues along the paved road that leads through old Podgora, with a multitude of picturesque hamlets on parallel paved roads. Winding through one of the most beautiful parts of the Biokovo foothills, the paved road reaches the main road Vrgorac-Makarska (D-512) and passes through the village of Gornji Tučepi, then the gravel road descends to Makarska, where it runs through the center and along the waterfront and into Osejava. After arriving on a gravel road that runs pleasantly through the forest, the route takes you to the entrance into Tučepi next to Jadran Hotel, and then again joins up with the walkway all the way to the harbor.

Length: 27,80 km

Asphalt: 18,50 km

Macadam: 9,30 km

Lowest-highest point. 1m – 330 m

Atitude: 770 m

Cycling route „Drvenik – Gradac tour“

The route begins at Drvenik, from the eastern side of the promenade in Donja Vala, along the paved road right along the seashore, through Gornja Vala towards Zaostrog. After 3 km, you will enter Zaostrog on a paved trail a few hundred meters long. In Zaostrog, the route passes by the Franciscan monastery which is definitely worth a visit, before continuing along the paved road that runs along the seashore through Podaca and Brist and along the gravelly beaches towards Gradac. From here, the route climbs up the paved road toward Biokovo, passing through olive groves. In this part, the ascent is a little steeper, and we recommend you stop to take a break. Not much longer, and you will come onto a gravel trail, slightly less steep, that leads through the old villages of Brist, Podaca, Zaostrog, and Drvenik, which all feature traditional Dalmatian architecture and many historical structures and points of interest. One of the most important is the fortified structure called Gradina, which is also the largest fortress of the Makarska Riviera. On this route, cyclists can stop and refresh themselves with the water from two mountain springs, one in old Zaostrog and the old in the old part of Drvenik. Next to this spring, the road becomes paved again and leads down towards the sea and the ferry dock. The route is moderately difficult and the ride takes about four hours.

Length: 27,500 km

Asphalt: 14,70 km

Macadam: 12,80 km

Lowest-highest point. 1m – 288 m

Attitude: 710 m

Cycling route „Igrane - Živogošće tour“

The route begins from the post office in Igrane and takes the paved road towards Živogošće to the Franciscan monastery. From the monastery, and the Sensimar Adriatic Beach Resort, the trail continues along the main road towards Dubrovnik, 1 km to Mala Duba, and in that village runs along the shore eastwards to Velika Duba (auto camp). In the foothills near Matijaševica, a single track along the sea line runs to Blato Bay and further through the Dole and Boban auto camps to the main road. Passing over the creek, the trail returns to the main road, and on the northern side, there is a gravel turnoff that heads towards the hamlet Strnj (westwards), and further down the old road to the cemetery in Živogošće. Above the cemetery, the trail turns towards the northwest and passes above the Church of St. Michael (Mihovil), and further towards the old village of Drašnice, where it descends back to the main road near the bus station in Drašnice. After crossing the Adriatic Highway, and continuing through the village of Brskovac, the trail descends down to the local cemetery, before turning towards the southeast and taking the local roads through Drašnice towards Igrane. The gravel trail through the olive groves brings you back to Igrane, and the route ends at the post office.

Length: 25,60 km

Asphalt: 12,30 km

Macadam: 13,30 km

Lowest-highest point. 3m – 275 m

Atitude:612 m

Cycling route „Brela tour“

The route begins from the Maestral Hotel in Brela, along the narrow pathway to Punta Rata. Along the shore, there is a paved trail right along the beach, all the way to Jakiruša. From here the route comes out onto the main road and then a gravel road towards Novaci, where it begins to climb up towards the old hamlet of Kričak. Next to the Church and St. George (Jurje) and its cemetery, the trail runs past the hamlet Bartulovići towards Topići and on towards the village Bast. From here, the route runs on the gravel road, caution is needed on the downhill stretch to Baškovići; then to Veliko Brdo, then the new gravel trail passes above the village eastwards to Makar. Along the edge of the mountain, the route runs through Mlinice to Kotišina and then along the paved road to Makarska. From the Makarska towards the west, the route follows the promenade from the Plaža restaurant to the Makarska tennis center, and then along the gravel road right along the beach to under Kuk, where a single-track trail begins in the dense forest and runs all the way to Krvavica. Here, it climbs up the paved trail towards Bratuš and Promajna, and then further along the paved road through Baško Polje to Baška Voda and on towards Brela. Once you reach the Soline Hotel, descend down towards the harbor, where there is a connection to the walkway all the way to Maestral Hotel.

Length: 43,60 km

Asphalt: 26,30 km

Macadam: 17,10 km

Lowest-highest point: 1m – 524 m

Attitude: 1001 m

Cycling route "Makarska tour"

The bike trail "Makarska Tour" covers the area around the city of Makarska. The trail starts on the waterfront near the Hotel "Miramare" in a westerly direction next to the restaurant "Beach" to the Hotel "Dalmatia", and then along the coast to the tennis center "Makarska", where the macadam part of the promenade begins right next to the beach to Cvitačka. Before the stream, it turns towards Biokovo, ie towards the main road. Crossing to the right, we are already in the vicinity of Veprice, where immediately at the entrance before the stream, a path separates to the right, which follows the stream upstream from the east side of the hill. A one-lane path with two serpentines leads us to the macadam part of the path that leads to the cemetery in Veliko Brdo and then crossing the asphalt road Makarska - Veliko Brdo to the macadam road above Puharić. Above Batinić, this road connects with a concrete road to Makar, where to the left along with the cemetery you go to the village, and further along the village road right along the edge of the mountain to the east to the hamlet of Mlinica. Along with the water source in Mlinice, a slight ascent to the village of Kotišina follows the Macadam road. From the monument in the village, the path goes along the asphalt road to the Botanical Garden with a descent to the church, followed by a connection with the road Makarska - Vrgorac. An asphalt descent to the junction with the Adriatic Highway at the station for technical inspection of trails leads through Osejava along a forest path to the Makarska waterfront.

Length: 15.40 km

Asphalt: 9.20 km

Macadam: 6.20 km

Lowest-highest point. 1m - 283m

Attitude: 456 m

Cycling route „ Biokovo tour“

Climbing to the highest peak of Mt. Biokovo, St. George (Sv. Jure) at an elevation of 1762 m makes this a highly demanding route. The average time needed to reach the peak of St. George is three hours, though this will depend on the age category and skill of the rider. Riders should inspect their bicycles for safety and embark only with full equipment, additional clothing, and certainly, a helmet. The route is about 30 km in length (one-way) and passes the entire area of the Biokovo roads, over a total of 23 km, and is the highest paved road in the Republic of Croatia. From Makarska to Tučepi it continues along the main road Makarska-Vrgorac (D 512) until the entrance to Biokovo Nature Park. The paved road within the park becomes narrower and rises almost 600 m in just 5 km, which is quite a steep climb. From the Staza Pass to Ravna Vlaška the trail climbs just 250 m over 4 kilometers, as a true adaptation to mountain conditions. Further via Lađana (1300 m), and on to Vošac (1422 m), the ride is pleasant. After just over 4 km, the attack on St. George’s Peak begins, the second-highest peak in Croatia. With a little rest under the mountain lodge under the peak, and via the hairpin turns, you will reach the peak of Biokovo and revel in the amazing view.

Length: 61,20 km

Asphalt: 61,20 km

Macadam: 0,00 km

Lowest-highest point:1m – 1749 m

Attitude: 2262 m

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