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Dreaming Bedrooms with sea views each. Safe start to your perfect holiday.

Updated: May 17, 2023

All our bedrooms are equally elegant and attractive, bright, luxurious, comfortable, and spacious, each has at least 20 m2 and blackout curtains for undisturbed sleep. All bedrooms provide enough space for the furniture you use every day and enough space for free movement. Each room has its own spacious bathroom with two sinks and a massage shower.

Beautiful, simple furniture allows you to maintain order in the room, and a soft bed and good bedding ensure good rest and also serve as a decoration of the room. Large, massive sliding rocks connect you with nature and provide a sense of luxury to any room with a beautiful view of the sea and the islands of Brac and Hvar.

Our bedrooms are a place where you run away from the world. Here you exclude all the worries, stress, noise, and challenges of your hectic life. An oasis where you fill your mind, body, and soul. There really is no more important space in a house than a well-equipped and functional room. We were guided by this thought when furnishing rooms.


A quality mattress makes the difference between just sleeping and a great night’s rest.

Our perfect bedrooms include a well-made mattress for the best sleep and a sleeping area that best suits your physical needs. We took the time to buy mattresses and tested many different types of mattresses. We equipped the beds with luxurious extremely comfortable mattresses. Each guest has at least 100 x 200 cm sleeping mattresses per person.

We also consulted with experienced experts and followed their recommendations regarding the equipment, primarily the beds, as we consider it the most essential part of the bedroom.

Quality bedding

Finally, when you close your eyes, lying in bed, the most important thing that is essential in the design and equipment of the bedroom is a touch of relaxation in contact with the soft comfortable material. Therefore, we procured extremely high-quality seasonal bedding. So, in winter you will be warm, and in summer you will not stick to the sheets, you will be glad to feel the touch of natural textiles. Our position is that saving on bedding is definitely not allowed!


We were guided by the idea that lighting plays a big role in creating an ambiance in a bedroom. We took advantage of all the natural light by placing sliding rocks that open completely during the day (or night). We added lamps above the bed. Our ideal bedroom has enough light to make you feel cheerful and spacious and to have adequate extra light for activities like reading.

Color and material

Our perfect bedroom includes a natural palette of colors and shades that promote the atmosphere you want.

The perfect color of the bedroom sets the tone of the room, creates a mood, and evokes emotions. Warm and natural colors bring energy and excitement. At Villa Yanko, each room has its own colors so each guest can choose the room that most affects his or her favorite colors.

The floors in all rooms of Villa Yanko are made of natural wood parquet which provides complete warmth to the room and a great feeling during all seasons because we think that natural colors and materials contribute to the feeling of luxury you need on your vacation. Even the large glass walls in the rooms are made of wood, not aluminum, which is increasingly present today. Villa Yanko is located in untouched nature, so we tried to disturb the harmony of the house with nature as little as possible. Wood is demanding to maintain, but the experience of wood is invaluable.

Women's Corner

We excluded everything unnecessary from the interior of the bedroom, but we allocated space for the organization of a women's corner, a make-up table, and chairs.

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