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Status of digital nomads - Croatia joined a global trend

Updated: May 17, 2023

The new Foreigners Act, the Republic of Croatia regulated the status of digital nomads and has joined a global trend.

Nomads are people who use information and communication technology for work that they can perform from anywhere in the world and therefore can choose their place of residence in the country of their choice.

The definition of digital nomads under the new Foreigners Act describes them as third-country citizens, ie a non-EU country or the Swiss Confederation, who perform work for a company or their own company that is not registered in the Republic of Croatia and does not perform work or provides services to employers in the Republic of Croatia. The law came into force on January 1, 2021, and allows digital nomads to apply for regulation of temporary residence for up to a year. After the expiration of one year, digital nomads will be able to re-apply for the regulation of temporary residence after the expiration of a period of six months from the expiration of the temporary residence.

Makarska, Split - Dalmatia County

In accordance with the regulation of the status of digital nomads, the Republic of Croatia also changed the tax legislation. Amendments to the Income Tax Act, which also entered into force on 1 January 2021, were not subject to personal income tax, the income of natural persons earned on the basis of self-employment or activity for an employer who is not registered in the Republic of Croatia on the basis of the acquired status of a digital nomad.

The Digital Nomad Association Croatia has been founded, and for this initiative and establishment is most responsible Jan de Jong, a Dutchman who has lived and worked in Split, Croatia for fifteen years, and he is committed to promoting Croatia in this regard.

Natur Park Biokovo, Skywalk, Makarska nights

With the enactment of the Foreigners Act, the regulation of visas for digital nomads, and the adoption of accompanying tax regulations, the Republic of Croatia has become one of the leaders in the process of attracting and accommodating digital nomads, welcoming them to one of the most attractive tourist destinations on the European continent. Digital nomads, of which there is an increasing number this year, recognize and use all the advantages of living in the Republic of Croatia.


If you can work fully remotely and live anywhere, you might as well choose to work from Croatia.

Croatia offers a 12-month staying permit for digital nomads, including:

- zero income tax

- wonderful Mediterranean lifestyle

- affordable living standard

- amazing food and wine

- stunning nature

- great internet connection

-great connections to the rest of Europe

- High-quality healthcare

- safe country to live

- warmest and hospitable people

- people who speak foreign languages

- great climate

- great history

Accommodation - Villa Yanko

Regarding the accommodation of digital nomads in beautiful Dalmatia, sunset Villa Yanko is waiting for you. Over 2700 sunny hours per year in an enviable location.

It's a laptop-friendly workspace comfortable for remote workers. There is a fast and reliable WIFI with wifi boosters and extenders to improve the wifi performance.

Villa Yanko is ready for a long-term stay out of peak season in winter but in the summer, we can provide accommodation in the capital of the Republic of Croatia, Zagreb, at the same landlord.

Book directly at the link or request it by phone, message, e-mail, or through our contact form.

Villa Yanko, Tucepi

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