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Swimming Pool, even in May or October 😎

Updated: Apr 7

Infinity, heated pool in May or October! Illuminated by rainbow colors at night. It doesn't seem to be the end of the summer season and the bathing season ?! Isn't it ?!

If you want to avoid the summer crowds and experience this beautiful part of Croatia without having to look hard for parking in Makarska or Tučepi, and without waiting in line for a ferry to the island of Brač or Hvar, you will want a vacation in October. In addition to other benefits, you will also save, because in the low season, the prices are up to 60% cheaper.

The temperature of the pool of Villa

Yanko is 24 - 27 degrees (+/-), depending on the night temperatures. A higher temperature in the pool of 27 degrees is not acceptable for hygienic reasons. The lowest temperature offered by Villa Yanko in its pool varies, however, if we cannot ensure a pool temperature higher than 22 degrees then we do not offer a pool heating service.

If the nights are colder, it’s harder to keep the pool temperature equally high because our pool has a double overflow. The Villa Yanko pool is protected from cold nights with a pool cover, but the overflow parts cannot be protected with a cover, so heat is lost as water circulates over them. We are also experimenting with turning off the pumps overnight and keeping the water stationary under the covers, especially in windy weather. We compare and make notes. So far the results are good :-). We lose 1-2 degrees overnight, which the heat pump compensates for during the day.

I will try to explain the procedure and the technical part below so that you can better understand how and what happens with the water temperature in the pool, but also the quality of the water. In case I still can't explain, or you are interested in the details about the work of the pool of Villa Yanko, feel free to get involved with your questions and comments on this article. We will be happy to answer you.

The pool of Villa Yanko has a total pool area of ​​59 m2 (water surface 59 m2 plus pool engine room approx. 16 m2 plus sun deck - paved terrace area around the pool, approx. 40 m2). The amount of water that fits in the pool is 80 m3.

In the engine room of the pool, there is a circulating pool pump, heat pump with outdoor unit (air conditioning), water filtration system (backwash), clocks for adjusting the operation of pumps, switches for pool lighting with color-changing reflectors, switches to control colors and pool lights, electrical switches, switches, electrolysis worktop, which shows various values ​​such as PH factor of water, salt in the pool and other values ​​that show the condition in the pool. What is electrolysis, I will explain below. We have also placed clocks and switches for garden irrigation in the pool engine room, the so-called drop-by-drop, and irrigation of grass so-called. rain.

The circulation pump pushes the water in a circle, which means that 80 m3 of pool water constantly passes through the open overflow part over the pool wall (twice overflow, once over the main pool wall and the second time over the children's pool wall), through which water overflows unfortunately, it cools, then the water comes through compensation to the pool heat pumps that heat it. The water is also constantly purified because, after each circulation circuit, the pool water passes through the pool filters, after which the clean water returns to the pool.

The electrolysis system allows us to keep the water healthy throughout the bathing season. The electrolysis device enables the production of chlorine from salt (6 kg of salt / m3 of water), but don't think that we have sea water, because our pool water is seven times less salty than seawater. Salt transformation occurs with the help of a current that separates chlorine and sodium molecules (salt composition), and the process continues further in the pool where under the influence of UV rays salt is re-formed and re-passes through the electrolysis device, separates chlorine and sodium molecules, in a circle. As soon as the filtering starts, the transformation cycle begins.

The filtration system of our pool is done using a sand filter. The filtration system consists of a pump (popularly called "Backwash pump") and an electrical cabinet. The filter pump circulates water that needs to be recycled and purified, and prevents the formation of algae, etc ... so as not to bother you with further technical descriptions. .It is my intention to say that the pool water of the Villa Yanko pool is harmless to human and animal life.

Proof of the high quality of the water is also one picture (below) in which swallows were caught in the daytime flight drinking water from the pool. This water oasis of ours has enabled swallows and many birds, bees, and even bats, to reach drinking water in this rugged area with about 3,000 hours of sunshine a year, even in times of drought. Despite the Dalmatian summer, when no plant can survive without irrigation, except conifers :-), we manage to be a service to flora and fauna.

See you :-)

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